How to get less greasy hair: 19 foolproof tips

Greasy hair can be a constant source of anxiety and low self-esteem. Whether your hair type is oily or occasionally greasy, it’s important to investigate this issue.
Wondering how to keep your hair less oily isn’t the only thing you can do. Here are some tips to ensure your hair stays as oil-free as possible.
Choosing the right hair care products
How can choosing the right hair care products help improve greasy hair? Using dry hair products that are too heavy can exacerbate the greasy feeling. On the other hand, you can find ingredients that control oil production and reduce the greasy feeling.
In a world full of hair care products, making the right choice can be overwhelming. But don’t worry. I’m here to simplify it for you.
Let’s share tips on how to get less greasy hair:
1. choose the right shampoo
Choose a shampoo that is designed for oily hair. These products are usually labeled as “purifying”, “volumizing” or “balancing”. They often contain ingredients that regulate oil, such as tea tree oil or citrus oil. They are designed to remove grease without stripping the scalp of its natural oils.
2. Choose the right conditioner
Remember to choose a lightweight conditioner. Heavyweights can make your hair sag and make it look greasier. They can also sit on your scalp and cause excessive oil production. You should also avoid using conditioner near the roots of your hair, more on that later.
3. Invest in hair masks
Use a hair mask for greasy hair once a week. Ingredients like tea tree oil and charcoal are known for their oil-absorbing properties. Be careful not to over-dry as too much sebum production may cause the skin to recoil.
4. Silicone and sulfate free
Quality is also important. Look for products that are silicone and sulfate free. These compounds can build up on the scalp, leading to clogging and increased oil production. They also prevent essential nutrients from reaching your scalp and doing their job.
Pro tip: Watch out for ingredients such as polydimethylsiloxane and cyclodimethylsiloxane, as these are variants of silicones.
Getting the right shampoo technique
You probably think your hair is already washed – it’s easy, right? Wrong. The truth is, there’s a lot more that we overlook. Mastering the right shampooing techniques will help you achieve your goal of oil-free hair.
While working out how to get less greasy hair, you’ll also unlock the secrets to properly deep-cleaning your scalp. So, let’s take a look at the right tips.
5. Stay calm
If you have searched in the past on how to make your hair less greasy, you may have stumbled upon the suggestion of washing it with warm water.
However, it is a myth that hot showers are good for your hair. On the contrary, hot water causes a loss of natural oils from the scalp, which ironically causes the scalp to produce more oil as a reaction.
Water that is too hot can also cause irritation, which can lead to a greasy feeling. Warm water is a hair’s best friend and avoids this unwanted pitfall.
6. Using the right technique
Helen Reavey, professional hairstylist, trichologist and founder of Act + Acre, believes that we don’t wash our hair the right way. First of all, it’s not the hair that’s being washed, it’s the scalp.
Washing correctly can improve a wide range of scalp issues, including dandruff and greasy hair. So, let’s dive into her valuable advice.
According to Helen, the first time we wash our hair we should focus on the scalp area at the back of the head. This area is the most neglected and problematic area.
After gently massaging, rinse and repeat, focusing on the scalp area at the temples. Then, rinse and leave! No, there is no need to rub your ends. Helen suggests that rinsing down the scalp with soapy water is enough to clean.
PRO TIP: Rubbing and pulling on the edges can lead to breakage and cracking, especially when dry.
7. Cleanse once or twice accordingly
When looking for ways to make your hair less greasy, you may have heard …… to wash it only once. Repeat the cleansing once. Is there a right answer?
According to Helen, it depends on how often you wash your hair. If you clean your scalp every day, you will most likely need to wash it once. If there is a long interval between wash days, you should wash twice.
The first wash will remove excess oil, dirt and bacteria, while the second wash will cleanse the scalp and deliver the shampoo’s nutrients to the roots.
8. Wash as often as needed
As you know, over-washing and washing both rarely result in a greasy condition. If you already wash your hair every day but it still looks greasy at the end of the day, it’s likely that you have a dry scalp that needs to be moisturized with natural oils.
Consider washing your hair less frequently and trying styles that subtly conceal oily roots, such as a sleek ponytail or a wet look. Otherwise, adding some dry shampoo will solve the problem.
9. Don’t overuse shampoo
Remember, it’s about the quality of the shampoo, not the quantity. Too much shampoo can dry out your scalp and trigger more oil production. It doesn’t mean that more scrubbing equals cleaner hair! It’s best to use a small amount – think quarter size – and focus on the scalp, not the length of the hair.
10. Rinse thoroughly
Next, let’s talk about rinsing. After shampooing, be sure to rinse thoroughly. You can’t afford to have residual shampoo build up on your scalp, causing it to look greasy just a few hours after washing. Inadequate rinsing is responsible for more greasiness than you can imagine.
11. Conditioning the right way
The final piece of advice is conditioning. If you’ve been avoiding conditioner for fear that it will add to your greasy nightmare, you’re misguided. Conditioner is essential, but the secret is in its application. Remember to only apply conditioner to the mid-lengths and ends of your hair – the areas that need it most.
PRO TIP: Mid-length means your hands should be aimed at your ears or lower.
Brushing Techniques for Oil Distribution
In the quest to find ways to make your hair less greasy, having the right brushing technique could be your foolproof weapon.
12. Brush before bed
Gone are the days of mindlessly brushing your hair. From now on, you’ll be focusing on distributing your scalp’s natural oils and making sure they don’t build up at the roots.
Remember to brush your hair before putting on the hay. Brushing at night is vital as it allows the scalp to rest during sleep and avoids the buildup of excess oils. The process is very simple; gently stroking from root to tip.
13. Use a clean brush
Can you count how many uses your brush has been given? In addition to helping you brush your hair, it dispenses creams, foams and styling products after implantation.
Remember to clean your brush as often as needed. Dirty hair will only allow old oils, dirt and residual products to re-enter your hair, causing it to look greasy.
14. Choose the right brush
The type of brush is also important. Wide-toothed combs or brushes are touted as a savior for greasy hair. Their larger gaps help distribute the oil evenly and prevent it from concentrating in one place.
15. Don’t over-brush
Don’t overdo it when brushing your teeth. While this is beneficial, excessive brushing can stimulate oil production and lead to greasier hair. So, find the sweet spot for your hair – the balance between adequate and excessive brushing.
Designing your hair
16. Avoid touching your hair
Constantly combing your hair with your fingers can transfer oils to your strands, which can exacerbate the greasy feeling. Also, touching your greasy face (which you really shouldn’t) and then combing your hair with your hands is the path of no return to greasiness.
It may take some time and conscious effort to break the habit of touching your hair too often, but the results are worth it.
17. use dry shampoo
For my busy oily-haired girl, using dry shampoo can be a savior. Dry shampoo is designed to absorb excess oil, sweat and dirt from the scalp, leaving hair looking cleaner and less greasy. Simply spray or pat on the roots to reverse the greasy effect without the hassle of daily washing.
You can use the dry shampoo for touch-ups between shower days for a smoother transition to fewer washes. This will allow your scalp to recover from over-drying while you don’t have to worry about bad hair!
18. Cover up greasy hair with a hairstyle
This clever trick isn’t about how to make your hair less greasy, it’s about how to cleverly hide them. When your hair is too greasy to wear down, consider a sleek ponytail or bun.
Trying a wet look is also great for hiding greasy hair while still giving you an edgier, bolder look. If you prefer a more relaxed hairstyle, you can comb your roots for a messier look and then loosely braid the rest of your hair.
Consider your dietary choices
19. Eat for the health of your hair
By adopting a diet that emphasizes lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, vitamin B-rich foods, and water intake, you will be taking a holistic approach to reducing greasiness and promoting healthy hair. Remember, the road to less greasy hair starts from within, so nourish your body and enjoy the benefits of a balanced diet.

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